Technical support to MoH to elaborate a prioritization methodology for the regional health infrastructure investments in the regions of the 3 REHs

Ad hoc 1-Task Order 1 – Technical support to MoH to elaborate a prioritization methodology for the regional health infrastructure investments in the regions of the 3 REHs – Ad-hoc advisory support to the Ministry of Health in implementing the Project ‘’Construction of 3 Regional Emergency Hospitals (REHs) in Romania’’ – AA-010555-001 LOT 3-HealthCare support, EIB

Period of implementation: 09.2021 – 03.2022


Beneficiary – EIB / Ministry of Health (MoH)


The impact of an important number of new healthcare infrastructure investment projects should be analyzed in order to avoid duplication of investments or healthcare services, considering the objectives set in the National Health Strategy and the priorities identified in the regional health services masterplans. Thus, a methodology for prioritization of health infrastructure investments based on a set of criteria and considering the REHs role in the region had to be developed. The DMIRH and MoH staff capacity to answer promptly to requests for assessments of the regional healthcare network needed to be improved by training on the application of the prioritization methodology.


Activity 1: Evaluation of the regional healthcare infrastructure: current capacity and future investments. A list detailing the public healthcare network for each of the three regions (NW, NE and SW) with role identification for each provider at tertiary and secondary level, as well as mono specialty healthcare providers developed.


Activity 2

Activity 2.1: Elaboration of the prioritization methodology for the regional healthcare infrastructure investments. Several methodological tools are available for priority setting and resource allocation exercises (e.g. program budgeting and marginal analysis, multi-criteria decision analysis, accountability for reasonableness, etc.). A list of criteria to be used for prioritization will be developed; reliable and valid indicators and a weighting method will be identified.

Activity 2.2:  To operationalize the methodology, an excel tool was needed. The final excel tool included all the encoded data extracted during Activity 1 and the criteria with relevant formulas based on the identified indicators, ready for use.


Activity 3: Increasing the MoH capacity to implement the prioritization methodology. Training of the relevant MoH and DMIRH staff on how to use the prioritization methodology, with relevant practical exercises.


    Country: Romania


    Donors - EIB FWA Lot 3

    Sectors: Health

    Type of Activities: Project and Contract Management; Training and Capacity Development; Procurement; IT services (software development); Elaboration of guidelines, studies, strategies