Strengthening the Transport Operating Structure

Strengthening the Transport Operating Structure and ERAs in IPA II (2014-2020) Period Project

Period of implementation:15/06/2020 – 15/06/2023

Country –  Turkey

Beneficiary – MoTI / EUID


The overall objective of the project is to develop the capacity of the OS and actual and potential beneficiaries (ERAs) in fulfilling their functions and ensuring the effective use of EU funding. The Project aims to support increasing contracting rate for the period 2014-2020 through strengthening the capacities of all institutions involved in programming, procurement and contract management process and through providing technical assistance to perform the tasks.

The Project is expected to achieve the following results;

  • Increased administrative capacity of the OS staff and ERAs for project and programme management
  • Improved performance of MAAP-T internal control framework
  • Increased visibility of the programme to stakeholders and general public
  • Increase of fund absorption through improved pipeline of projects and efficient implementation


  1. Consultancy Support for MAAP-T Implementation
  2. TA and Capacity Building to OS, Internal Audit and ERAs in Projects Preparations and Implementation
  3. Updating and Implementing the Communication Strategy of MAAP-T
  4. Capacity-building Activities for the OS, the Internal Audit, potential and actual ERAs.

Country: Turkey


Donors - European Commission

Sectors: Communication; Transport; EU policy.

Type of Activities: Training and capacity building; Projects/grant preparation and implementation; Monitoring and evaluation; Procurement; Surveys.