Training in Coordination and Monitoring the Structural and Cohesion Funds
Continuous Training in Coordination and Monitoring the Structural and Cohesion Funds, as well as in the Management of the Training Activities in this Domain
Period of implementation: 12.2009- 08.2011
Country – Romania
Beneficiary – Ministry of Economy and Finances – ACIS
The general objective of OP TA (Operational Programme Technical Assistance) is to ensure the necessary support for the coordination process and to contribute to the efficient, effective and transparent implementation and absorption of the Structural Instruments in Romania.
The general objective of the Technical Assistance Operational Programme will be reached by means of the specific objectives:
- Ensuring the proper support and instruments in view of an efficient and effective coordination and implementation of the structural instruments for the 2007-2013 period and the preparation for the next programming period of the structural instruments.
Ensuring a dissemination coordinated at national level of the general messages related to the structural instruments and implementation of the Actions Plan of ACSI (Authority for Coordinating the Structural Instruments) for communication according to the national Strategy for Communication for the Structural Instruments.
COMPONENT 1 – Training in monitoring, evaluating and management of Structural and Cohesion Funds for the staff within the Management Authorities and the Intermediary Bodies:
COMPONENT 2 – Training for the staff within the Authority for Coordinating the Structural Instruments
COMPONENT 3 – Training in the Human Resources Management and the training activities for the working group members related to the coordination of the training in the Structural Instruments area