Study on information service delivery performance and relationship with citizens

Study on information service delivery performance and relationship with citizens, including research of citizens’ satisfaction, communication strategy and communication manual

Period of implementation: 09.2013-12.2013

Country –  Romania

Beneficiary – Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection for the Elderly


The overall objective of the contract is to conduct a study on the provision of information and networking of the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection for the Elderly with citizens and its beneficiary and the development of documents (the communication strategy and a communication manual) to improve the communication framework.


    1. Study on information service delivery performance and relationship with citizens, including citizens satisfaction
    2. Developing internal and external communication strategy
    3. Developing the communication manual, including:
    a. Communication Procedures Manual
    b. Visual Identity Manual

    Country: Romania


    Donors - PO DCA

    Sectors: Communication; Labor market.

    Type of Activities: Project and Contract Management; Training and capacity development; Communication and Events; Elaboration of guidelines, studies, strategies.