Smart Growth, Social Infrastructure and Horizon 2020
EIBAS FA – Lot 4: Smart Growth, Social Infrastructure and Horizon 2020
Build Implementation Capacity and Skills for LIOP 2014-2020 – Organisation of events for MA LIOP, IB and Beneficiaries
Country – Romania
Beneficiary – EIB
The project aimed to build and develop capacity and implementation skills for the 2014 – 2020 programming period, for the Management Authority of the Large Infrastructure Operational Programme (MA LIOP), the Transport Intermediary Body (IB) and the final LIOP’s Beneficiaries, in order to improve the quality of LIOP projects and increase the absorption rate for the funds allocated under this important Operational Programme (OP).
■ 36 workshops/training sessions organised
■1308 persons from MA LIOP, IB T and Beneficiaries trained by EIB Trainers/ JASPERS Trainers/ Key Experts 1-7/Third Party Experts in the following specific areas: Project evaluation and selection (Water & Energy sectors); Cost certification; Works contracts and design & build contracts (3 workshops); Cost-Benefit Analysis (Energy & Environment); Programming in the Water sector; Problems, solutions, lessons learned from implementing LIOP projects; Verification of public procurement procedures; Risks in the water sector occurring in the implementation period and how to mitigate them Financial and accountancy issues in EU funded projects; State Aid; Contract Management for works contracts and design & build contracts ; Environmental Impact Assessment; Traffic Study – Cost-Benefit Analysis, Transport; Financial management and budget accounting; Irregularities and fraud; Cost-benefit analysis and key issues in project evaluation and selection; Contract modifications and classification of these modifications as substantial or non-substantial; Verification and authorization of costs for the projects under the 2014-2020 programming period; Works contracts and design & build contracts – Correlation between the works contracts/design & build contracts and the Romanian legislation (Law 98/2016, Law 273/1994 on works taking over) ; Programming of Transport projects Works contracts and design & build contracts (6 sessions); Feasibility Study, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Detailed design and its monitoring, Traffic Study – Cost-Benefit Analysis; Works contracts and design & build contracts Public procurement strategy. Establish selection and awarding criteria.