Management Authority for the Sectoral Operational Program HRD
Period of implementation: 04.2008 – 09.2008
Country – Romania
Beneficiary – Ministry of Labor, Social Solidarity and Family
The general objective of the project is to increase the capacity building of the MA SOP HRD – MoLSSF and of the Projects Implementation Units for the effective implementation of POST-EDIS recommendations.
The specific objectives of the projects are the following:
- Ensuring the staff involved in the Phare programs’ management and implementation with the knowledge and skills necessary in order to meet the accrediting post EDIS criteria in what regards its vocational training;
Ensuring a comprehensive frame for staff training and for the development of a specific training program for all the problems following the implementation of the EDIS system.
Activity 1: Developing a specific training program addressed to the key structures from the national and regional level involved in administrating the Phare programs, under the EDIS system
Activity 2: Providing training sessions for the staff of the Phare Implementing Agency – of MoLSSF and of the Projects Implementation Units (PIUs) in the following training areas: tenders, contracting, monitoring, technical verification and conformity, human resources, irregularities, financial management, risk management, internal audit, specific training for the leading staff.