Period of implementation: 01/2019 – 01/2025

Country –  Serbia

Beneficiary – Delegation of the European Union in Serbia

The overall objective is to provide technical assistance to the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia in its information, communication and media activities aimed at increasing public awareness and understanding of the EU, its values, functioning, institution policies, programmes and assistance to Serbia and their impact on Serbian citizens and businesses, as well as of Serbia’s accession process. Under the guidance and supervision of the EU Delegation, this contract will be the focal point for communication and information on the EU to the Serbian public.

Purposes of this contract:
• to assist, support and advise EUD in defining and successfully implementing its information and communication strategy;
• to increase visibility and public knowledge of the EU, its values, functioning, institution policies, programmes and assistance to Serbia and their impact on Serbian citizens and businesses
• to raise public knowledge and understanding of the Serbia’s accession process and EUD activities;
• to steer communication efforts of all EU integration stakeholders in Serbia to improve coordination and increase impacts;
• efficiently manage the EUIC and EUIPs, provide easy access to EU information for Serbian citizens;
• communicate benefits and obligations of EU membership to target groups through well-tailored communication tools;
• engage, support, empower EU related programmes, events and networks in Serbia and relevant Serbian and regional stakeholders (municipalities and local self-governments, think thanks, CSO’s etc) to improve knowledge about the EU and EU visibility in Serbia and foster public debate;
• organise and support activities, events, training, visits for target groups to help improve understanding and support for the accession/negotiation process, EU policies and the functioning of EU institutions;
• to support the Public Diplomacy of the EUD Serbia.


  • Design and implementation of communication strategy;
  • Enhance and steer communication on the EU, its assistance programmes in Serbia and the accession process;
  • Organisation of campaigns, events and competitions, visits and trainings
  • Public diplomacy;
  • Operation and Management of the EU Info Centre (EUIC) in Belgrade and EU Info Points (EUIP) in Nis and Novi Sad;
  • Research, analysis and media review;
  • Media –Media monitoring and reporting on the media coverage of EU activities in Serbia.
  • Technical Assistance and support activities.
  • Information products;
  • Online Communication –Technical management and maintenance of web and social media accounts including content creation, editing, hosting, developing, daily update and promotion of all online profiles. Updating and maintaining the database of EU funded projects and the Map of EU Funded Projects.

Country: Serbia


Donors - European Commission

Sectors: Communication; Environment & energy; Education; EU policy.

Type of Activities: Training and capacity building; IT services.