Training on Project Design and Preparation, Monitoring and Assessment and Project Cycle Management
Training on Project Design and Preparation, Monitoring and Assessment and Project Cycle Management in Romania
Period of implementation: 12.2004 – 10.2005
Country – Romania
Beneficiary – Ministry of Public Finance
The main objective of the project was to support and accelerate Romania’s preparation for accession through the improved preparation and management of programmes financed by EU financial instruments.
The specific objective of the project was to provide key players within the Romanian institutions involved in preparation, implementation and monitoring of EU programmes with basic skills and in-depth knowledge to increase the qualitative output and the effective operation of the institutions they are attached to.
For Component 1: Training on Pre-accession Instruments (PCM-Project Cycle management and PRAG rules)
- Carry out a complex selection of the participants to participate in each training session
- Organize and deliver training sessions for 200 civil servants in basic and advanced PCM (SWOT analysis, preparing Phare Project Fiches and Terms of Reference, Logical Framework approach, tendering, contracting, monitoring and evaluation etc)
- Organize and deliver training sessions for 150 civil servants in PRAG rules (supply, service, work, and grant scheme contracts)
- Establish a core of local trainers established in order to continue the training
For Component 2: Training on Structural Instruments
- Organize and deliver training sessions for 100 civil servants in Structural Instruments
- Organize and deliver for 70 civil servants training seminars on programme design and management
- 70 persons trained within 4 study tours
- Ensuring individual coaching in Structural Instruments for the personnel from the public administration
- Design a brochure (booklet) on Structural instruments
For Component 3: Training Mechanism for 2007-2009
- Identifying the main stakeholders and establish flow of information
- Analyze the outputs of related previous programs
- Assessment of the HR capacity
Revise and update the training mechanism developed for the period 2004-2006 and finalize the mechanism for 2007-2009