Training in Project Cycle Management, Procurement and Contracting

Training in Project Cycle Management, Procurement and Contracting of pre-Accession Projects and Management of EU Structural Instruments, ROMANIA

Period of implementation: Dec 2005-November 2006

Country –  Romania

Beneficiary – Ministry of Public Finance


The main objective of the project is to support Romania’s efforts to finalize the EU accession process in 2007 through further strengthening of the administration capacity to manage the EU financial assistance.

The specific objective of the project according to the Terms of Reference is to provide key players within the Romanian administration involved in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation the programs supported by the EU with the necessary technical assistance, tools, skills and knowledge in order to increase the qualitative output and effective operation of the institutions they are attached to.


For Component 1: Training of Trainers in Project Cycle Management, procurement and contracting procedures for pre-accession projects and on Structural Instruments management

  • Propose a coordination mechanism between the Training Institutes and MPF
  • Assist NIA, SPF, EIR in adapting their current organization as to appropriately respond to the foreseen role as national training institutes
  • Prepare and implement ToT sessions

For Component 2: Training on Project Cycle Management

  • Organize and deliver Basic and Advanced PCM training for 200 participants

For Component 3: Training in procurement and contracting procedures for pre-accession project

  • Organize and deliver Procurement and Contracting Procedures training for 75 participants

For Component 4: Training on Structural Instruments

  • Organize and deliver training for 150 participants in studies
  • , Project Appraisal and Selection, Financial Management and Control
  • 150 persons trained within study tours in new and old MS
  • Ensuring extensive coaching services on Structural Instruments

Country: Romania


Donors - European Commission

Sectors: Managing EU funds

Type of Activities: Project and Contract Management; Training and capacity development; Communication and Events.