Training for the staff of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration
Training for the staff within the central and territorial units of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (A.N.A.F) in communication techniques
Country – Romania
Beneficiary – National Agency for Fiscal Administration
The specific objective of the project aim at the development of the communication ability of the institution by developing the network of communicators at central and territorial level of A.N.A.F in order to promote the public message and image of the institution after the implementation of the project, respectively: training of the clerks from the front-office in the field of external communication, crisis communication and public relations.
The main activity of the project is represented by the training of a total number of 382 clerks from the central al territorial level of A.N.A.F in the field of communication, during 3 training sessions:
a. External communication
b. Crisis communication
c. Public relations
Activities in the project framework:
1. Elaboration of training materials
2. Preparation of training sessions
3. Implementation of training sessions
4. Evaluation of project success and meeting of project objectives/indicators
5. Evaluation of all the performed activities and, as appropriate, a critical analysis of any major problems that may arise during the implementation of the contract.