Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue Between EU and Turkey

Technical Assistance for Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue Between EU and Turkey – II

Period of implementation: 18/10/2010 – 17/10/2012

Country –  Turkey

Beneficiary- CFCU


The service contracts overall objective was to ensure the achievement of a better knowledge and understanding of the Republic of Turkey within the European Union, including Turkish history and culture, thus allowing a better awareness of the opportunities and challenges of the future enlargement and to ensure a better knowledge and understanding of the European Union within the Republic of Turkey, including the values on which it is founded, its functioning and its policies.


The project was specifically aimed at assisting the EU Staff Group (EUSG)in the implementation of the 3 grant schemes (agriculture&fisheries, culture& arts, micro-grants) under the “Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue between EU and Republic of Turkey-II”.


Requested results:

  • develop the capacity of grant beneficiaries in project management and implementation, respecting EU procurement and visibility rules;
  • strengthen the expertise and develop know how with EUSG and relevant authorities;
  • increase the awareness and publicity of the project.


  • adaptation of the Monitoring Manualfor each of the grant schemes;
  • assistance to the implementation of Micro Grant Schemes;
  • assistance to Grant beneficiaries;
  • assistance to EUSG for Monitoring of apprx. 40 Grant Projects:
  • revision and adaptation of the MIS;
  • evaluation of the project;
  • preparation and implementation of a publicity and visibility plan

Country: Turkey


Donors - IPA-1

Sectors: Communication; Environment & energy; Economic development; EU policy; Civil society.

Type of Activities: Training and capacity building; Projects/grant preparation and implementation; Monitoring and evaluation; Procurement; IT services Surveys.