Technical Assistance for Civil Society Facility Sivil Düşün III
Technical Assistance for Civil Society Facility (Sivil Düşün III)-Turkey
Period of implementation: 01/06/2018 –20/02/2020
Country – Turkey
Beneficiary – Delegation of the European Union in Turkey
Name of client: European Commission
The overall objective of Civil Society Facility – Sivil Düsün III was to improve the environment for active citizenship and to strengthen the capacity of organised active citizens.
Achieved results:
- Increased CSOs and citizens’ advocacy and monitoring skills;
- Increased CSOs organisational and financial capacities;
- Increased CSOs and active citizen’s capacities to reach out citizens through awareness-raising and communication and visibility activities;
- Enhanced networking and collaboration among CSOs and active citizens (within Turkey as well as through enhanced public relations between Turkey, EU, IPA and ENPI countries);
- Increased visibility and public support of organised citizens and CSOs right-based initiatives;
- Increased visibility in media and society of the EU support to Civil Society and fundamental rights
Component 1: Implementation of the Active Citizenship Mechanism
Component 2: Communication and awareness-raising
Component 3: Support to project management