Study on communication in the field of structural instruments

Study on communication in the field of structural instruments at local and regional level – North-East and South East development regions – Subsequent contract of Technical Assistance Facility Agreement – Lot 1

Period of implementation: 02.2013-01.2014

Country –  Romania

Beneficiary – The Minister for European Funds


The general objective of the subproject is the intensification of communication at a regional level, through the most efficient channels, to make known the benefits of the implementation of projects financed from structural and cohesion funds in Romania.

The specific objective of this subsequent contract is represented by the elaboration of a study concerning communication at a local and regional level in order to prioritize the identified necessities, as well as to determine some guidelines, through which the Ministry of European Funds will be able to support the specific actions carried out in the field of structural instruments communication. The project targets supporting through its objective the communication flux to potential applicants for accessing European funds, as well as the communication process to beneficiaries of projects already approved, during their implementation and collection of feedback from then regarding the direct benefits brought in by the implementation of projects financed from structural and cohesion funds.


    1. Carrying out a study concerning the communication in the field of structural instruments at a local and regional level –North-East and South East development regions, through:
      a) Making an inventory of the communication actions carried out until the present date, the effect they had within the target groups of the activities carried out until the present date,
      b) Making an inventory of the means and information dissemination networks at a regional/local lever and the future needs of information and communication.
      c) Conducting 50 semi structured in-depth interviews: qualitative research.
      d) Conducting a survey
      e) Identification of causes for which the communication activities carried out until the present did not have the expected impact
      f) Sizing the needs of information and communication for the next period
      g) Analysis of the absorption rate at a local/regional level
      h) Identification of the most appropriate channels for information dissemination
      i) Identification of the type of communication activities with the highest success potential, possible disseminators and regional/local information disseminators networks
    2. Elaboration of a proposal targeting the main specific indicators of financing instruments for the regional information centers (a grant scheme)

      Country: Romania


      Donors - PO AT financed from the FEDR

      Sectors: Communication; Local & regional development; Managing EU funds.

      Type of Activities: Project and Contract Management; Communication and Events; Surveys; Elaboration of guidelines, studies, strategies.