SOP Environment Intermediary Evaluation
SOP Environment Intermediary Evaluation
Country – Romania
Beneficiary – Ministry of Environment and Forests
The general objective of the contract is to contribute to the successful implementation of the „Environment” Sectoral Operational Program 2007-2013, by evaluating the progress and the performances in its management and implementation, for the period between 11 July 2007 and 31 December 2010.
The specific objectives were represented by the evaluation of SOP Environment, on the following directions of action:
- Evaluation of the contribution of SOP Environment to the implementation and achievement of the strategic objectives assumed at national and European level.
- Evaluation of the implementation process of SOP Environment and of the progress achieved in the implementation of the program and in reaching the objectives
Component 1 – Evaluation of the contribution of SOP Environment to the implementation and the achievement of the strategic objectives undertaken at national and European level.
Component 2 – Evaluation of the implementation process of SOP environment and of the progress achieved in the implementation of the program and in reaching the objectives.