Review of the strategic framework on the good regulation
Review of the strategic framework on the good regulation by defining a coherent and structured set of directions for action and evaluation and monitoring indicators – Subsequent contract of Technical Assistance Facility Agreement – Lot 1
Period of implementation: 12.2013-11.2014
Country – Romania
Beneficiary – The Ministry of European Funds
The general objective is the improvement of the regulation process at the central public administration level, by defining a set of directions for action and indicators, as an horizontal instrument for foundation of the ex-ante structural conditionalities for the programming process regarding the structural funds for 2014-2020.
The specific objectives are:
- The definition of a new national strategic document regarding the better reglementation at the central public administration level, in order to ensure an integrated and coherent programming of the european funds allocated to Romania in 2014-2020.
- The correlation of the directions of action of this field with the other programmatic documents under preparation: the Strategic Development Framework of Romania (CSDR) 2014-2020 and the Territorial Development Strategic Framework (CSDT) for 2014-2020.
- The development of a set of monitoring and evaluation indicators of the progress of the implementation of directions of action, as basis for the definition of ex-ante structural conditionalities for the programming process 2014-2020.
- Ex-post evaluation of the manner in which the provisions of the actual strategic document (The strategy for a Better Regulation 2008-2013) have been applied by the central public administration;
- Evaluation of the manner in which the actions defined in the Plan of actions have been compatible with the axes and the fields of intervention of the Operational Programs, as well as with the indicators defined in their programmatic documents.
- Analysis of potential directions of action and determination of those relevant for the definition of a new strategic document.
- Definition of a viable set of monitoring and evaluation indicators, on each direction of action.
- Elaboration of the strategic document and the related action plan.