Framework Contract for Provision of Services Technical Assistance Facility – LOT 1 –
Framework Contract for Provision of Services Technical Assistance Facility – LOT 1 –
Country – Romania
Beneficiary – Ministry of Public Finances / Ministry of European Affairs –ACIS
Research for a study, delivering 4 training sessions and organizing a national seminar.
The subsequent projects will be focused on certain technical assistance priorities of the Managing Authorities of the Operational Programmes, including the ministries in charge with finance, economy, transport, environment, labour, regional development and tourism, and interior.
The two Technical Assistance key areas of the Managing Authorities for which the subsequent contracts will be launched are the following:
• Formulation of policies, strategies, programs, projects in accordance with the EU Cohesion Policy’s principles in Romania’s context;
• Programming the structural instruments for the coming period (including the grounding of the next programming period)
The categories of Technical Assistance necessary for this Lot will consist of: IT services; Market studies and economic analysis, surveys and statistics; Services and studies for programming and implementing the EU non-reimbursable funds.