Lot 9-TA to MOLSSf, NAE and Final Beneficiaries

Lot 9-TA to MOLSSf, NAE and Final Beneficiaries to Support in the Implementation of the Grant Schemes – Awareness Campaign, Support for Preparation and Applications

Period of implementation: 08.2006 – 11.2006

Country –  Romania

Beneficiary – Commission of European Communities


Within the Framework of this project EWC provided operational support and assistance to the staff of the MoLSSF and NAE – 8 PIU’s, in order to facilitate the successful launch and effective implementation of the regional development projects related to the Human Resources Development.

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • to raise the overall visibility of the HRD grant scheme opportunities, financed under Phare 2004, through organizing and running promotion campaign, at national and regional level, as well as organizing efficient events in relation with this grant scheme purpose
  • to ensure the submission of good project proposals and help raise the quality of applications through establishing a help-desk in each region to ensure information sessions and advice for potential applicants, during the period of open call for proposals



  • Development and dissemination of information materials regarding the project
  • Organization of events to disseminate information at the national and regional level
  • Elaboration of guidelines for developing HR strategy and training needs assessment by companies – the guidelines will support the interested companies in developing HR strategies and training needs assessment.
  • Organization in each PIU of a help desk in order to provide guidance for potential beneficiaries and performing a pre-screening of the applications
  • Organization of workshops in each region in order to make known the Government strategy in the field and to make clear the purpose of this grant scheme for potential beneficiaries.

Country: Romania


Donors - EU - PHARE

Sectors: Communication; Managing EU funds.

Type of Activities: Project and Contract Management; Training and capacity development; Communication and Events.