Period of implementation: September 2009-February 2014

Country – Chad

Beneficiary –Ministry of Justice


The fundamental objective of the Chad Justice Support Program (PRAJUST) is to promote the consolidation of the rule of law in Chad by leveraging the judicial system, a key sector of public power in guaranteeing public security.


On the one hand, it is a question of making justice a true public service by revising the legislative framework and modernizing the sector to meet the needs of the population, and on the other hand, to establish legal and judicial security, through targeted interventions at different levels: judicial police, central services of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Security, jurisdictions, penitentiary system and intelligence services:

     -Result 1: Significant improvement in the performance of justice actors (prison staff, judges, lawyers, court clerks, police, intelligence services);

     -Result 2: Establishment of legal and judicial security for the population.


  • Diagnostic studies on the functioning and performance of jurisdictions, access to justice, and the management of human resources in the justice system
  • Support for project management in line with the sectoral justice policy, including drafting legislation to improve access to justice for the population, the rights of the defence, and criminal procedure, as well as drafting laws against cybercrime and for online security, institutional support.
  • Support for the reform process to improve access to the courts


  • Strengthening the prison administration in the exercise of its missions to secure prisons and humanize detention

Country: Chad


Donors - EU (Europe Aid)

Sectors: Justice; Disadvantaged groups; Civil society; Human rights;

Type of Activities: Training and capacity development; Legal services; Gender; Studies and strategy elaboration.