Intermediary Evaluation of the PHARE and the Transition Facility Programme
Intermediary Evaluation of the PHARE and the Transition Facility Programme
Period of implementation: 11.09 – 12.10
Country – Romania
Beneficiary – Ministry of Public Finances – ACIS, Central Evaluation Unit
The general objective of the project is to contribute to supporting the improvement of the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the Phare and Transition Facility pre-accession funds.
The specific objectives of the intermediate evaluation are:
- Carrying on independent analyses regarding the efficiency of the programs under implementation, describing the means in which these are carried on, the degree of fulfilling the objectives, the performances accomplished by the stakeholders within the program and Romania’s capacity to implement the community acquis.
The dissemination of the cumulated experience in order to improve the implementation of the current programs and the projection of the future programs.
Component 1 – Initiatory phase of the project
- Mobilizing the project team and organizing the project’s office;
- Organizing the launching seminar;
- Establishing the technical and logistical arrangements for the event to take place;
- Unfolding the launching event;
- Elaborating the work plan for the evaluation;
- Updating the website;
- Configuring the quality insurance group;
- Elaborating the initial report of the project.
Component 2 – Elaborating the sectoral evaluation reports
Component 3 – Elaboration of other reports
- Elaboration of 3 (three) country reports;
- Elaboration of 2 (two) ad-hoc reports.