Hospital Architecture and Design Management Advisor and Design Review Specialists
Ad hoc 2-Task Order 3 – Hospital Architecture and Design Management Advisor and Design Review Specialists – Ad-hoc advisory support for the implementation of the 3 REHs – AA-011550-001, LOT 3-HealthCare support, EIB
Period of implementation: 01/2024 – 08/2024
Beneficiary – EIB / Ministry of Health (MoH)
- Day-to-day hospital architecture and design management advisory services
- Design reviews services
Task 1:
- Day-to-day hospital architecture advisory expertise to ANDIS;
- Advice to the ANDIS on design/review services required during the procurement and construction phase of the projects (e.g. TA provided by the Designers, design amendments, shop drawing supervision/recording services, as-built drawings, etc.);
- Advice to the ANDIS on healthcare infrastructure planning and design;
- Expert advice to the ANDIS during the implementation of the design, construction and supervision contracts;
- Expert advice to the ANDIS during the procurement of the construction and supervision contracts (e.g. providing technical input to the tender documents, providing input in drafting answers to clarification requests, providing independent expert opinion to the evaluation committees, and similar) for the projects;
- Support ANDIS in monitoring the progress achieved in implementing the projects;
- Support ANDIS in following-up of the complementary investments (e.g. access roads, permits, etc.) and on coordination with other local/public authorities for the projects;
- Draft description of activities for relevant third party assignments/activities;
- In the field of healthcare planning and design, provide technical guidance and coordination among the third parties;
- Perform quality control on the healthcare planning and design related deliverables prepared by the Third Party experts.
- Assume the Architectural Design Expert role under Task 2 and coordinate the work of the other DRT experts.
Task 2
- Designers’ Monthly progress reports for all three Regional Emergency Hospitals (REHs)
Technical Project Documentation (PT) Design documents for Craiova REH.