Evaluation of the implementation ROP 2007-2013
Evaluation of the implementation ROP 2007-2013 projects and priorities for the business environment
Period of implementation: 09.2010-03.2011
Country – Romania
Beneficiary – Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism
The general objective of this evaluation project is to contribute to the development of the absorption capacity for funds allocated under ROP 2007-2013 for the development of the business environment at regional level, in order to achieve the programme’s objective in this area.
The specific objectives of this evaluation project are:
• Analysis of the efficiency in the implementation of ROP priorities for the development of the regional business environment, in order to achieve the specific objectives
• Acceleration of the implementation of projects financed under ROP in the areas that have the aim of creating new employment
• Identifying and analyzing some successful projects so as to be used as best practices
• Recommendations for facilitation of funds absorption and objectives achievement in the area of the evaluation and for a better programming in the post 2013 period
COMPONENT 1: To what extent is the efficiency of the implementation of projects under the analyzed PA/MIF influenced by the procedures and the guidelines in force for the evaluated area?
For each selected PA and MIF the main reasons for the existing gaps in the progress registered in the implementation of different MIFs will be analyzed by taking the following actions:
• Analysis of the project evaluation, selection and contracting process for each MIF
• Analysis of the monitoring and financial management system
• Analysis of the Applicant Guidelines for each MIF
• Analysis of the implementation of state aid and de minimis aid schemes
COMPONENT 2: Which are the factors that have influenced the beneficiaries’ performance in preparation and implementation of projects under the analyzed Pas/DMIs?
COMPONENT 3 – Case study