Evaluation of management and performance of PO DCA 2007-2013

Evaluation of management and performance of PO DCA 2007-2013

Period of implementation: 08.2014 -02.2015 

Country –  Romania

Beneficiary – AM Operational Programme Administrative Capacity Development (AM PO DCA)


The overall objective of this evaluation was to provide recommendations to improve the quality, effectiveness and consistency of assistance, provide an analysis of the performance of the OP implementation and to measure the effects of interventions funded under this OP.


    • determination of target achievement of the OP based on the analysis of the effectiveness of interventions;
    • an analysis of the effects of interventions of the OP;
    • providing an overview of the OP evaluation studies conducted during 2008-2013, highlighting examples of good practice identified and barriers / limitations in program implementation;

    Formulate a set of conclusions and recommendations to improve implementation of the OP in 2014-2015, and develop a set of recommendations for the 2014-2020 programming period, taking into account lessons learned in the current programming cycle.

      Country: Romania


      Donors - Operational Programme Administrative Capacity Development (PO DCA)

      Sectors: Evaluation

      Type of Activities: Project and Contract Management; Communication and Events; Surveys; Programming; Elaboration of guidelines, studies, strategies; Monitoring and evaluation