Adapting the Young Professional Scheme

Adapting the Young Professional Scheme to The Needs of the Civil Service Reform (YPS4)

Period of implementation: 11.2008 – 11.2009

Country –  Romania

Beneficiary – Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform


The general objective of the project was to continue the implementation of the public administration’s reform – public function’s component.

The specific objectives of the project according to the ToR were the following:

  • Further development of the Public Managers Professional Corps, as a component of the public function’s reform in the context of benefiting of rights and of assuming Romania’s obligations in its quality as member state of the European Union;

Strengthening the capacity of the CUPAR, NIA, NACS in order to ensure the continuity and sustainability of the Young Professional Scheme project as well as to ensure a proper management for developing the public managers’ career.


ActivitY 1. Technical assistance for the purpose of strengthening the capacity of the National Institute of Administration in its organization of specialized public administration training programs designed for YPS participants, as well as for the development of continuous training programs for Public Managers, including promotion and recruitment campaign, selection methodology, training programme, study visits;


ActivitY 2. Technical Assistance provided in order to strengthen the capacity of National Agency of Civil Service in order to manage the career of the Public Managers:

  • Organisation of the selection and recruitment process of the assessors; Elaboration of an Assessor’s Guide; Elaboration of the training Plan for NACS and organization of the training sessions; Developing a methodology for the elaboration of the training analysis of the public managers; Assisting NACS in the identification process for new positions for the YPS graduates; Developing and maintaining the existing Public Managers Database


ActivitY 3. Technical Assistance provided to the Central Unit for the Public Administration Reform in order to manage the future cycles of the YPS project:

  • Elaboration of an analysis regarding the evolution of the Public Managers corps
  • Elaboration of an impact evaluation Methodology and of a System of performance indicators;
  • Elaboration and implementation of the communication strategy regarding the role of the Public Managers;
  • Organisation seminars and workshops; Periodical actualization of the YPS website; Organisation of training sessions for the CUPAR, NIA, NACS representatives; Organisation of 2 study visits.

Country: Romania


Donors - EU - PHARE

Sectors: Evaluation

Type of Activities: Project and Contract Management; Training and capacity development; Communication and Events; Monitoring and evaluation