Adapting the Young Professional Scheme YPS3
Adapting the Young Professional Scheme to The Needs of the Civil Service Reform (YPS3)
Period of implementation: 11.2007 – 05.2009
Country – Romania
Beneficiary – Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform – Central Unit for Public Administration Reform (CUPAR)
The overall objective of the project, of which this contract was a part, was to continue the implementation of the public administration reform with a special view on the civil service reform area.
The specific objective was to further develop the newly created Corps of Professional Public Managers and to adapt it to the current needs of the civil service reform within the context of Romania’s integration in EU. The main stakeholders involved in the implementation of the Scheme (CUPAR, NIA, and NACS, employing institutions) had to be supported to assume progressively, full responsibility and ownership for the continuation and further development of the Scheme.
Component 1: Implementation of Phase 3 of the YPS, including redesign of some elements of the Scheme
- Organisation of all aspects of the publicity campaign, selection process and launch of the Scholar and Trainee program of the YPS; Redesigned Scholarship program and Trainee Programme;
- Assisted NIA to organize and deliver the Trainee program of the YPS
- Organisation and financing of all aspects of internships; Supporting NACS in the development of the process for evaluating and grading the Scholars and Trainees;
- Further developed the newly created Corps of Mentors; Provided assistance to Public Managers Office;
- Recommendations for further improvement of the Scholar and Trainee Program
Component 2: Strengthening the implementation of the legal and institutional human resource management framework for the YPS – Continuing the support for the Inter-Institutional Public Policy Working Group to further develop the legal and institutional human resources provisions for the YPS and for the employment and career management of the graduates from the Scheme, including impact analisys, training and internships, continue providing support to ministries and other employing agencies in applying these human resource management systems and processes, in order to ensure a suitable integration of the YPS graduates in the public administration system.
Component 3: Transfer of know-how, strengthening the capacity and improving the institutional arrangements for the ownership of the scheme, to manage YPS going forward, including training, assisting NACS and CUPAR to identify appropriate positions for the YPS graduates according to the existing legal framework , review and improve the current institutional arrangements for the ongoing management of the YPS and the ongoing management of the employment and career system, mentoring, further development and maintenance of YPS database, periodically upgrading of the YPS website, organizing study tours, assisting the existing YPS associations in developing specific activities with the aim of providing mutual support, networking and communication activities, awareness raising.