Technical Assistance for the Intermediary Evaluation of the Operational Program Transport
Technical Assistance for the Intermediary Evaluation of the Operational Program Transport 2007-2013
Period of implementation: 08.2009 – 03.2010
Country – Romania
Beneficiary – Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
The general objective of the project is to contribute to the implementation of a high level of quality, efficiency and transparency of SOP-T, as well as to the growth of efficiency, effectiveness and impact of the interventions financed from public funds, both of the European Union and of the national budget.
The specific objectives of the intermediary evaluation of SOP-T are to provide:
- A documented opinion (conclusions) related to the registered progress until the present, in the SOP-T implementation;
- Support for the strategic reporting which will be carried out in 2009, in compliance with the provisions of art. 29 from the Council Regulation (EC) nr. 1083/2006;
Expertise transfer in the evaluation area, from the Evaluators’ experts (the evaluation services provider) engaged in the present contract, to the staff responsible with the evaluation within MA SOP-T.
- The analysis of the process’ effficiency, starting from the projects’ preparation process, submitting the financing requests, to the approval and signing the financing contract, including the projects’ implementation.
- The analysis of the projects’ portfolio within each priority axis and key area, with the purpose to establish if the activities and indicators foreseen through SOP-T will be accomplished;
- The analysis of the efficiency and impact of the information and publicity system of SOP-T
- The analysis of the means in which the institutions involved in the management and implementation of SOP-T fulfill their tasks in compliance with EC Regulations in force regarding CF and FEDER and in compliance with the approved working procedures;
- Identification of the main problems , difficulties and weaknesses of the system;
- Means of improving the quality and efficiency of the management and implementation system;
- An analysis of the SOP-T contribution to: the implemenation of the cohesion policy, as it is set through the Treaty; fulfilling the tasks relevant to the funds as these are foreseen in the EC Regulation nr. 1083/2006; The implementtion of the priorities set through the strategic guides of the Community in the cohesion area and specified in the NSRF priorities;
- Reaching the objective regarding the promotion of the competitivity and creating working places for reaching the objectives comprised in the Integrated Guidelines for Development and Working Places (2005-2008).